
Mt Macedon Fungi Hunt 2020

Can you believe it! On Sunday May 31 we had our first outing in what seems like forever and we took it back to an old favourite: Mount Macedon and its fungi.

Around 20 of us met up at Days Camp Ground, Lions Head Road, Mount Macedon. Breaking into a couple of groups to ensure we maintained the correct social distancing; as required because of this crazy pandemic that currently grips the world. We were all grateful to be out of our homes and seeing each other in person once more.

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Competition 2 - Looking Down & Open

Our judge for this competition was Sam Mariani. This is the competition that was interrupted by the breakout of the COVID-19 virus and likely our final for the year that will include Print entries. Congrats to all or winners and place-getters. Quite the wonderful array of images.

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Challenge 4: Painting with Light

Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.

Our fourth challenge is "Painting with Light".

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Challenge 3: Macro or Close-Up

Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.

Our third challenge is "Macro or Close Up". 

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Challenge 2: Oil & Water

Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.

Our second challenge is "Oil and Water". 

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Challenge 1: Through an Object

Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.

Our first challenge is "Through an Object". Return to this page the following Thursday to see the results from our members.

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Competition 1 - Monochrome & Open

Our judge for this competition was Lisa Law. We see from the results that those who moved from B-Grade to A are certainly making themselves known in the new grade, and it has opened the B-Grade to a whole new pool of winners and place-getters. Congrats to all.

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Blue Lotus Water Garden

The first day of autumn saw 16 club members and families head out to the Blue Lotus Water Garden, Yarra Junction.

It has been about nine years since we have been out to the Farm as a Club and those of us who had visited it before noticed a big change with several new areas.

The weather was kind to us, heating up later in the day. Lots of photos were taken of lotuses and water lilies as well as other plants; also looking for birds in the wetland area. All the attendees seem to enjoy the day - well worth the 1½-hour drive!

The Blue Lotus Water Garden is found at 2628 Warburton HWY, Yarra Junction, Victoria 3797, Australia. OPEN December 26 - April 13.


Colour Management

At our meeting last night we were joined by Michael from Kayell who took us through the tech-strong topic of Colour Management, Colour Profiles, and the Printing Process.

Not being a big self-printer I took a lot away from Michael's talk and may just think more about printing my own images now. We probably should see it as part of our process in creating our works in camera, to computer, and then to final output on print media.

Apologies, the notes are a little all over the shop; but hopefully you'll understand what I'm saying.

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Photo Shoot: Newport Lakes Visit

We venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.

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Newport Lakes Reserve
29th March 2025 10:00 am
Workshop: Creative Workstations

We will explore aspects of photography and how we may use them in our creative process.

Bring along your camera, tripod, speed light flash, and macro lens.

Walker Close Community Centre
8th April 2025 7:30 pm

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