
Paper Bag Challenge July 2014

Another night of great entries and great imagination. Many balloons were hurt in the making of this competition. Our thanks to judge David Burren for his comments and critiques and also for calibrating our projector.

Digital Open

1st - Sleeping Beauty - Dee Palma

2nd -Beauty of light - Brett Ferguson

3rd - Ice hockey conga line - Phil Taylor

HC - Howling Gale - Neil Anderson

HC - Rock with Scottie

Print Open

1st - Into the light - Brett Ferguson

2nd - True love - Dee Palma

3rd - Fishing Halong Bay - Andrea Sparks

Digital Paper Bag Challenge

1st - Don't let go  - Arvin Coloma

2nd - Pink explosion - Phil Taylor

3rd - On our way - Trevor Davis

Print Paper Bag Challenge

1st - You had me at log in - Arvin Coloma

2nd - Popped - Cathy Buchanan

3rd - Pop - Lisa Sandy

HC - Balloon play Cambodian Style

Novice Digital

1st - Just Chillin - Darren Malthouse


Photo Opportunity at the Ice Rink

Well may we call this outing an opportunity to take ‘good’ pics, but trying to capture images of a keeping standard proved to be quite a challenge!   Taking shots indoors under artificial (and relatively low level) light, through a scratched plastic screen, onto a white reflective surface, of fast moving ice hockey players moving in erratic, unpredictable directions from up to 60m away was something new to me.  This was compounded by a total ignorance of any rules regarding the sport which, in turn, removed the ability to anticipate any upcoming strategies or moves by the players.  

Well, after a bit of trial and error, I sorted out the technical bits on the camera that enabled me to potentially capture the players (ISO 2000, F2.8, 1/1250th sec, 70-200mm lens, AI servo mode, high speed continuous mode).  However framing good shots was still a problem.

So I decided to ‘think dirty’ - I tried to figure out which was the the weaker goalie and then position myself at their end on the assumption that sooner or later the opposition would give them a hard time.  And, within reason, it worked and the poor goalies got a pounding!  I don’t know how there are not more injuries, despite all the padding the players wear.  Those goalies must have double jointed knees! And I’m not too sure about having equal opportunity for both sexes as the girls sure gave the guys a hard time in the hoppo bumpbo stakes!

My personal track record was an unenviable 770 shots taken over a 3+ hour session, mostly taken in continuous shooting mode, for a return of nominally 1% of keepers! Probably one of my worst returns ever!!!  I think I will have to go back again and use my new found knowledge to advantage and try to improve.

Thanks to Cathy and the committee for organising the day out, lots of fun, good company (a nominal attendance of 15-20 members) and some more photography lessons learned.


Shooting Ice Hockey

On the back of a talk by member Tania Chalmers at our last meeting Phil joined Tania this weekend to shoot some of the action at Melbourne Icehouse. His notes, which build on Tania's advice, and photos appear in this article. I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say Phil has done and awesome job, especially given it was his first time out.

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Witness King Tide - Altona

Today was all about making a time lapse for the "Witness King Tides" for the Hobsons Bay Council. The aim of the project, which is going worldwide, is about bearing witness and creating a visual record of the rising seas.

In using the king tide photos as an allegory for these rising seas there is a hope to bring home the message of global warming and the loss of habitat that will come with it. For Altona's Polynesian community it is also an acknowledgement of the land that will be lost through climate change in the Polynesian region, where it is feared entire islands will be lost in the coming years.

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Competition Results June 2014: Mirrors

As is becoming quite the regular thing, we made it hard for the judge this week with all our grand images. Lin, our judge, was open with his commentary and very complimentary of the quality of our work as a club. Keep up the good work guys.

I love seeing your images improve with every competition.

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Meeting Notes: May 27

Robert Groom and Digital Asset Management, Port Campbell Accommodation, King Tides Project, Camberwell Entries and details of the Paper Bag Challenge to be found in this meeting notes update.

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Photographing People

On Tuesday night we had a great of lighting and laughter. Thanks to all the members who came along. And big thanks to the members who shared their knowledge and their gear to show us all how to do what we do.

I look forward to seeing some great portraits in the future from our members.

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Ballarat Outing

Saturday 5th April, 15 members braved the forecast of wet conditions and headed to Ballarat for the day. Luckily the weather defied forecasts and stayed dry, we had a wonderful sunny day out and about Ballarat and its surrounds.

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Art In Pulic Places Launch 2014

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, Hobsons Bay Council held the official launch of Art In Public at Scienceworks in Spotswood. Our club was invited to be the official photographer for the event.

There was a string quartet playing in the planetarium entrance, welcoming the guests. The guests then made their way down the to the pumping station where the night's events were held.

Speeches were made by the Mayor, Councillor Sandra Wilson, and Deputy Mayor, Councillor Colleen Gates. There was also a body percussion performance by Grace Vanilau, and a showing of the Projector Bike.

It seems the night was over as soon as it began. Graeme Brown, Cathy Buchanan, Trevor Davis, Lisa Sandy, Andrea Sparks and I brought our cameras along and captured the event in its entirety. The gallery below shows a small selection of these photos.



Photo Shoot: Newport Lakes Visit

We venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.

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Newport Lakes Reserve
29th March 2025 10:00 am
Workshop: Creative Workstations

We will explore aspects of photography and how we may use them in our creative process.

Bring along your camera, tripod, speed light flash, and macro lens.

Walker Close Community Centre
8th April 2025 7:30 pm

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