Our Committee

Karen Malbon


  • Coordinate a cohesive, competent club that meets member expectations

Matt Peart

Vice President

  • Coordinate photographic information sessions and workshops
  • Support members to develop skills
  • Deputise for President as required

Gayle Tout


  • Coordinate the annual syllabus and liaise with guest speakers
  • Point of contact for members, potential members and external parties
  • Carry out duties of Public Officer

Brian Young


  • Manage club finances
  • Assist with budget and fundraising
  • Mange reception/front of house activities  

Tania Chalmers

Competition Steward

  • Coordinate competition entries and judges
  • Coordinate end of year awards
  • Coordinate Interclub competitions via the Competitions sub-committee

James Troi


  • Maintain and build the club website
  • Be the "point of contact" for receipt of news articles and relevant items of interest to Members

Robert Cahill

Communications & Property Manager

  • Maintains library of club assets available to members to borrow.

Ian Gofton, Ian Street, Kathryn Hocking, Larry Rigoni, Neil Anderson 

Ordinary Members

  • Attend committee meetings
  • Be backup for the committee members when absent


Photo Shoot: Rodeo Geelong

Entertainment for the whole family. Cowkids hour, rides, great food and drinks, as you watch the pretty fast horses in the barrel racing, take the chance to get down and dirty with the steer wrestlers and lay your eyes on the fastest woman’s equine sport in the world - in the breakaway roping.

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Geelong Racecourse
8th February 2025 3:00 pm
Presentation: Welcome Back BBQ - Entering International Competitions

In addition to our welcome back BBQ, member Monique Whear will give a presentation on the whys and hows of entering competitions beyond our club.

Entries due for our first round of competition: Monochrome and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
11th February 2025 6:30 pm

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