If you'd like more information please contact us.
Visit our submissions page for more information.
Our competitions are open to financial members of the club. Entries may be emailed directly to the Competition Steward competitions@williamstowncameraclub.com.au.
For more information visit the Competition Rules and Competition Themes.
The Williamstown Camera Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month in January, the second and fourth Tuesday of the month February through to November and the first Tuesday of the month in December. The Calendar page shows the exact dates. Meetings start at 7:45pm and typically run for two to three hours.
Walker Close Community Centre
180 Millers Road
Altona North Vic 3025
Adrian will join us and let us into his process on how he creates his wonderfully creative images features his daughter.
Check out Adrian's work on Instgram and Facebook
Entries due for our second competition: Local Neighbourhood & Open
Walker Close Community CentreWe venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.
Newport Lakes Reserve