
Light Painting Workshop Handout

Light painting is a lot of fun and gets your creative juices flowing to see what different and interesting patterns you can produce. Here are some tips for our light painting photo shoot on Tuesday 27th June.

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Macro Photography Tips

In preparation for our Fungi Hunt at Mt Macedon on the weekend here are some tips for the equipment you might need and the techniques you could employ to take some great macro fungi shots.

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Making a Series

In an upcoming competition we require our members to create a "series" of images and present them in a single image for entry. Following are some tips on how to make your "Series" entry.

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Reverse Lens Mount Macro Photography

A member has asked about reverse mount macro photography so I found a couple of videos which explain the process.

The best case is using a lens with a manual aperture ring so you can modify the ƒ-stop while using, though there are ways to use automatic lenses too.

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Lighting 101

Most have probably already heard of SLR Lounge, they offer a great range of tutorials and editorial for photography.

I recently came across two of their videos from the Lighting 101 course that I think would be extremely valuable to our members, and may be an enticement to take a look at their full course.

These are simple set-ups that will cost you a lot less than getting fancy studio lighting. You can get reflectors pretty cheaply on AliExpress or Ebay. Search for "Collapsable Reflector". Just note that they can both have long lead times on delivery, sometimes up to 60-days so order early! If you're working alone, you may also want to grab a few reflector holders too.

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Flash-n-Blur: Stroboscopic Imagery

During last night's meeting we were introduced to the concept of stroboscopic imagery and we talked briefly about the use of the rear/second curtain for effect.

I admit that I thought I had more time to prepare for this meeting and the practical elements, but the need to reshuffle the calendar meant we had to move this meeting up, so I didn't get around to developing a practical demonstration of the second curtain in flash photography. I have, however, provided a couple of video tutorials at the end of this article that should help you out.

Big thanks to everyone who attended, especially those who stood in front of my lens in front of the club. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Let's kick things off with Stroboscopic Imagery, we'll follow up with a second curtain flash article in the next few days.

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Export Photos from Lightroom for Competition


p>Thankfully the export module of Lightroom hasn't seen much of a change since the first version, so while these instructions were made in Lightroom 5 they should be accurate, or close to, all other versions of Lightroom.

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Panoramic Photo Stitching


p>At a recent Club Meeting (9 July 2013), John Burgess made reference during his presentation to a free software package for stitching multiple adjacent images into a single panoramic image. His program of choice is Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor). It comes highly recommended and the on-line reviews are very positive. HOWEVER, I am a Mac user and this package does NOT work on Macs!!!

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Exporting Photos from iPhoto 09

We've had some questions about exporting photos for use on the website. In this video you'll see how to export photos using Apple's iPhoto 09, with the steps listed below the video.

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Photo Shoot: Rodeo Geelong

Entertainment for the whole family. Cowkids hour, rides, great food and drinks, as you watch the pretty fast horses in the barrel racing, take the chance to get down and dirty with the steer wrestlers and lay your eyes on the fastest woman’s equine sport in the world - in the breakaway roping.

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Geelong Racecourse
8th February 2025 3:00 pm
Presentation: Welcome Back BBQ - Entering International Competitions

In addition to our welcome back BBQ, member Monique Whear will give a presentation on the whys and hows of entering competitions beyond our club.

We will also have a demonstration on Matt cutting and Leo Loque will do a short presentation on mounting methods to preserve your images.

BBQ from 7pm, Presentations and Zoom commences around 7:30pm

Entries due for our first round of competition: Monochrome and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
11th February 2025 7:00 pm

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