We're happy to receive images for the galleries. You must be a member and should supply your images with a minimum of 2000px on the long side, in JPG format and preferably zipped together in a single file. We'd really like to know the following information about your images:
Send them through to Website Submissions
Articles are always welcome. The article should be related to photography. It may be about something coming up, about a shoot you've recently done.
We'd love to hear about the Ws of storytelling.
If it's about a shoot, tell us about your settings, did you use a tripod, reflector, off-camera flash etc. Send it through anyway you can.
Send them through to Website Submissions
Adrian will join us and let us into his process on how he creates his wonderfully creative images features his daughter.
Check out Adrian's work on Instgram and Facebook
Entries due for our second competition: Local Neighbourhood & Open
Walker Close Community CentreWe venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.
Newport Lakes Reserve