Queenscliff Sunday Photoshoot Report

Photos from the Queenscliff Photoshoot / photo hunt
© John KantarGood natured ribbing started as soon as the teams were formed in Queenscliff. Team leaders Kris, Phil, Cathy and Tom got their teams in huddles and plans of attack were made.
Each team had to photograph five set subjects within two hours seagull/s, landscape/seascape, macro, architecture and a group self portrait.
At midday the teams met back at the bowls club to review their images, have a drink and enjoy some lunch. The task of selecting ten images to represent the team proved to be difficult. There were some technical challenges and tough decisions to be made. USB sticks were swapped between teams and scores were given.
The top scoring images can be viewed here. (Team 3 had technical problems and couldn’t receive scores.)
The aggregate scoresheet will be on display at the next meeting.