End of Year Awards 2020

Congrats to our winners of aggregate score awards and Image of the Year awards.

Thank you to everyone who entered our awards this year. We look forward to seeing even more for you all in 2021.

Big thanks to the Judging Panel from Waverly Camera Club: Dave Summer, Vicki Moritz, and Michael Silverstein, who judged our Images of the Year.

Also, massive thanks to Tania Chalmers, our Competition Steward who has done a great job, as always, for us throughout this tumultuous year.


  • 1st: Neil Anderson: 49 points
  • 2nd: Viet Tran: 46 points
  • 3rd: Arvin Coloma: 44 points


  • 1st: Mario Xerri: 42 points
  • 2nd: Phi Phi: 41 Points
  • 3rd: Robyn Bartlett, Wade Buchan, Adrian Jones: with 36 points

Image of the Year

Our 3-person judging panel is from Waverley Camera Club

  • Vicky Moritz (APP Adv Dip Photog, ASPEM\b AFIAP/p GMPSA 
  • Dave Summer
  • Michael Silverstein

A message from our judges:

Our First impression of the images, was very good with 3-4 standout images.

All 3 of us were impressed by the high standard of B Grade images and with many clubs B Grade is often as good or even better then A grade images. We were impressed with both grades and the variation of the subject and quality of the images presented. 

We thoroughly enjoyed judging them.


Hamnoy by Neil Anderson

"Hamnoy" by Neil Anderson

Judges' Comments

The judges enjoyed the colour palette in this image as well as the scale of the huge rock against the tiny houses situated in the foothills.

The image is well exposed and is sharp where it needs to be and the mist in the distance has allowed the photographer to manage what might have been quite a bland sky.

The judges agreed that there are a lot of images of this location around but we were particularly impressed with the composition of this image.

The only improvement we could suggest would be to remove the hair that is intruding into the frame at the bottom left.

A nicely presented image, well done.


The Shadow Cyclist by Mario Xerri

"The Shadow Rider" by Mario Xerri

Judges' Comments

All three judges liked this image.

We all agreed that it was a nice simple image taken at the right moment.

Michael [Silverstein] pointed out that he thought that the image told a story of the lady riding the bike of life and the light coming to a point was her life closing in on her which we all agreed was a great description.

Vicki [Moritz] liked the curved shadow coming in from the left and thought that it mimicked the curve of the wheels of the bike.

This is a great street shot and we all enjoyed it, Well done.


Congrats to the following members who are moving from B grade to A grade for the 2021 competition season. Can't wait to see even more of your amazing work.

  • Wade Buchan
  • Phi Phi 
  • Mario Xerri 

Download a copy of the powerpoint presentation in PDF format
Note: Images have been compressed in this version of the presentation to keep it small.


Photo Shoot: Newport Lakes Visit

We venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.

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Newport Lakes Reserve
29th March 2025 10:00 am
Workshop: Creative Workstations

We will explore aspects of photography and how we may use them in our creative process.

Bring along your camera, tripod, speed light flash, and macro lens.

Walker Close Community Centre
8th April 2025 7:30 pm

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