Export Photos from Lightroom for Competition

Thankfully the export module of Lightroom hasn't seen much of a change since the first version, so while these instructions were made in Lightroom 5 they should be accurate, or close to, all other versions of Lightroom.

  1. Select the photos you wish to export. Select multiples by clicking on the first and then either:
    1. holding shift while you click on the last one, to select all in between.
    2. hold down command (or ctrl on PC) and click on the images you wish to export.
  2. Go to the file menu, select "Export..."
  3. Complete following sections, as per image below.
    Export files from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5
    • Export Location
      • Export To: {choose your favourite location, I usually put mine on the desktop}
      • Check "Put in a Subfolder" and name it something like "exports" or "competition entries"
    • File Settings
      • Image Format: JPEG
      • Quality: {set between 90-100%}
      • Colour Space: sRGB
    • Image Sizing
      • Check Resize to Fit: Select "Long Edge"
      • Make sure "Don't Enlarge" is unchecked
      • Type "1400" in the box and select "pixels" from the dropdown box
      • Resolution: Type "72" in the box and select "pixels per inch" from the dropdown box
    • Metadata
      • Include: Select the level of Metadata you wish to include with your image, I usually select "All Metadata"
      • Decide if you want to include "Location info"
    • If this is your first time through, Click "Add" under the Preset box to save these settings for future exports.
    • Click "Export" to export the selected images.

And you're done. For future exports you only need to select your images, go to the menu File -> Export..., select the preset you just saved and hit export.


Awards Night: End of Year Awards Dinner

The one where we celebrate the year that was 2024 and hand out awards!

Join us for a fun evening of socialising and food.

We will have the main course catered but bring along plate of nibbles or dessert to share as well as a drink or two.

Walker Close Community Centre
10th December 2024 7:00 pm

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