Club Constitution

The Club Constitution is a set rules detailing how our club is run. These rules are based on the Model Rules as defined in the ‘Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012’. You can read more about this on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website - Incorporated Associations.

Our incorporation registration number is: A0008490M


  1. Name
  2. Purpose
  3. Financial year
  4. Definitions


  1. Powers of Association
  2. Not for profit organisation


Division 1–Membership

  1. Minimum number of members
  2. Who is eligible to be a member
  3. Application for membership
  4. Consideration of application
  5. New membership
  6. Annual subscription fee and fee on joining
  7. General rights of members
  8. Associate members
  9. Rights not transferrable
  10. Ceasing membership
  11. Resigning as a member
  12. Register of members

Division 2–Disciplinary action

  1. Grounds for taking disciplinary action
  2. Disciplinary subcommittee
  3. Notice to member
  4. Decision of subcommittee
  5. Appeal rights
  6. Conduct of disciplinary appeal meeting

Division 3–Grievance procedure

  1. Application 
  2. Parties must attempt to resolve the dispute
  3. Appointment of mediator
  4. Mediation Process
  5. Failure to resolve dispute by mediation


  1. Annual general meetings
  2. Special general meetings
  3. Special general meeting held at request of members
  4. Notice of general meetings
  5. Proxies
  6. Use of technology
  7. Quorum at general meetings
  8. Adjournment of general meeting
  9. Voting at general meeting
  10. Special resolutions
  11. Determining whether resolution carried
  12. Minutes of general meeting


Division 1–Powers of Committee

  1. Role and powers
  2. Delegation

Division 2–Composition of Committee and duties of members

  1. Composition of Committee
  2. General Duties
  3. President and Vice-President
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer

Division 3–Election of Committee members and tenure of office

  1. Who is eligible to be a Committee member
  2. Positions to be declared vacant
  3. Nominations
  4. Election of President etc.
  5. Election of ordinary members
  6. Ballot
  7. Term of office
  8. Vacation of office
  9. Filling casual vacancies

Division 4–Meetings of Committee

  1. Meetings of Committee
  2. Notice of meetings
  3. Urgent meetings
  4. Procedure and order of business
  5. Use of technology
  6. Quorum
  7. Voting
  8. Conflict of interest
  9. Minutes of meeting
  10. Leave of absence


  1. Source of funds
  2. Management of funds
  3. Financial records
  4. Financial statements


  1. Common seal
  2. Registered address
  3. Notice requirements
  4. Custody and inspection of books and records
  5. Winding up and cancellation
  6. Alteration of Rules

Download our Rules of Incorporation in PDF format


Meeting: Photobooks

Neil will be doing a presentation for us on making a photo books. Always a great way to keep your images and share them with friends and family.

Walker Close Community Centre
26th November 2024 7:30 pm
Awards Night: End of Year Awards Dinner

The one where we celebrate the year that was 2024 and hand out awards!

Join us for a fun evening of socialising and food.

We will have the main course catered but bring along plate of nibbles or dessert to share as well as a drink or two.

Walker Close Community Centre
10th December 2024 7:00 pm

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